Hidden Colors Experiment for Preschoolers + Breaking Out of the Rut

Hidden Colors Experiment for Preschoolers + Breaking Out of the Rut

Click here to read Hidden Colors Experiment for Preschoolers + Breaking Out of the Rut on Hands On As We Grow®

Add a surprise to an easy preschool colors experiment with this magical twist from our Member of the Month Sara Marie who breaks out of the activity rut.

Sara Marie isn’t a Pinterest guru… far from it! But even so, she still struggled to find easy ways to do activities with her older son, especially when her younger son was an infant.

“Trying to come up with new ideas that started off with old things he was doing was the hardest part,” she explains. “He would play with his Duplo and I might be able to get him to go on and do something. He’d almost always go back to what he was doing in the first play.”

Sara Marie felt lost and overwhelmed.

“Everything was up to me. It was really difficult to come up with anything.”

Breaking out of the Activity Rut!

They were stuck in a rut, and struggling to break free to enjoy hands-on activities daily.

“We have all the normal toys: Duplos and train tracks. But eventually, those things get old,” she shares. “We were sitting around doing the same things over and over and over again.”

Sara Marie found Hands On As We Grow® and The Activity Room® via Facebook last year – and hasn’t looked back since!

“I’ve never been really good at researching things, so coming across The Activity Room was the best thing I ever did.”

Check out the hidden colors experiment Sara is sharing with us today down below!

Take the Challenge to Go Hands-On with Your Kids!

Dipping her toes into The Activity Room via the 5 Day Activity Challenge was the perfect way to get started.

“The 5 Day Challenge was the perfect amount of push to get us going with new things that when I was offered the opportunity to join The Activity Room, I jumped at it,” she explains. “I could tell by the end of that week that my son was getting into the idea of trying new things.”

You can try the Hands On As We Grow Activity Challenge for yourself – starting today!

Now, Sara Marie feels totally prepared for doing hands-on activities with her children every day!

“This is great! It’s going to give me a daily reminder, an activity to do and it’ll entertain him for 30 minutes to an hour.”

This easy preschool science experiment that Sara shares is in one of our monthly plans and given as a daily reminder that day! So handy.

Make Memories by Being Hands-On Together

Sara loves seeing the changes in her oldest son since joining The Activity Room and being more hands-on together. His creativity is blossoming!

“It’s so nice that when I have an activity for him all I have to do is explain the idea,” Sara Marie says. “So often he’ll come up with ideas on his own just seeing the materials!”

Even though she is currently a full-time stay-at-home parent, Sara notices that she is much more mindful about her presence in her sons’ lives daily.

“As a mom, I got more involved in my son’s day-to-day activities,” she says. “Now it’s much more about we have these 5 minutes where we don’t have anything planned – let’s do something! There’s almost always an idea about how to spend those 5 minutes.”

And her son is equally excited!

“He now asks every day, ‘What’s our activity?’

Most of all, Sara Marie is gaining new insights into how her children are learning and growing through activities such as the colors experiment she’s sharing below.

“When you do activities, you can actually see the wheels turning in their head, the synapses firing… and you can tell they’re really learning. It’s so much fun to watch that.”

Let’s Meet Sara Marie

Sara shares how she gets out of a rut of doing the same old thing and joins The Activity Room and shared her easy preschooler science experiment her boys love doing.

How many kids do you have and how old are they?

Two sons: 3.5 years and 15 months

Why do you love doing activities with your kids?

It is so exciting to see how they develop, both in skills and interests, over time.

How long have you been in The Activity Room?

April 2019

What is your favorite activity you’ve done in The Activity Room?

Balloon Badminton – Mr3 enjoyed it so much he requested it for his birthday party!

What’s your favorite thing to do with your kids when you get a few moments?

We love reading, though the baby enjoys Peekaboo more.

So, quite often, as I’m reading to Mr3, I use the book to play peekaboo with Mr1

What’s your best tip for doing activities with your kids?

Have it set up when they arrive/wake/enter the room.

You don’t have to prep too far ahead, but I’ve found that just having the supplies laid out when they first see it often inspires new and imaginative ways to play!

If you were to tell a friend about The Activity Room, what would you say to them?

I used to have a horrible time coming up with things to do, too!

After joining the Activity Room, though, it’s gotten so much easier.

Whenever I get stuck, I can just pull up this week’s activities and we can easily do any of them. Especially when I pull all the supplies together beforehand.

Share your favorite quote

“Is this an activity?” Mr3 says this about everything that’s not a screen now! Check out Mr3’s easy preschool science experiment below!

Easy preschooler colors experiment with a magical twist

Easy Preschool Colors Experiment with a Hidden Twist

We love doing science experiments, especially ones with supplies we already have on hand – like baking soda and vinegar!

This is a fun variation on the traditional baking soda and vinegar easy preschool science experiment!

The twist is hiding color in the white baking soda to surprise the kids as it fizzes in color.

To create your own hidden colors experiment, you’ll need:

  • containers
  • baking soda
  • food coloring
  • white vinegar
  • eyedropper or spray bottle

If you want the hidden color to be a total surprise for your preschooler, prep the containers in advance.

Add a little bit of baking soda to each container, drop in a bit of food coloring, then cover it up with more baking soda.

Invite your child to try this color experiment. Pass them the spray bottle or eyedropper, filled with vinegar.

As they squirt the vinegar onto the baking soda, it will fizz up! Revealing the hidden pop of color inside!

Add a Pouring Twist to Your Colors Science Experiment

We started with a spray bottle for Mr3.

Then he worked on pouring from the bottle to make the cups overflow before we brought out the eye droppers to reuse the overflowed vinegar water.

This was a great way to work on fine motor skills, like squeezing and pouring. Plus, Mr3 working on his aim while pouring – that’s a tough skill to master!

The baby really liked watching the colors come out, while Mr3 enjoyed moving the liquid around in various ways.

It was so much fun to watch them both explore and play with this easy preschool science experiment!

What’s your favorite twist on a classic science experiment?

Share your brilliance in the comments!

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