Science Experiments for Learning about the Human Body

This collection of science experiments for learning about the human body is perfect for encouraging kids to learn about their bodies! I’ve split the ideas into three age groups: preschool, primary age ( 5-11 ) and secondary ( 12+) but these are very loose recommendations. Hopefully you’ll find something that sounds fun to try!

I’ve also got lots of fun STEM challenges and science printable instructions you might like too!

Human Body Science Ideas for Preschoolers

If you have a big piece of paper or cardboard, get the children to draw around themselves, they can then measure arms and legs, label body parts or even draw in organs.

Learn about the body

Listen to your heart beat by making your own Stethoscope.

Children testing a stethoscope

Make a model of a human brain using playdough.

Learn about keeping your hands clean with this fun glitter activity.

hand washing activity for kids

Discover the relationship between arm span and height.

Human Body Science for Primary School

Use eggs to learn about tooth decay. Soak them in vinegar, coffee and coke to see what happens to the shell.

Materials for staining eggs

Investigate heart rate. This can be done by recording your pulse rate at rest then doing some exercise and measuring it again.

heart rate science activity for kids

Did you know you can test your reaction time using just a ruler?

Have some fun finding out how strong your bones are.

These printable organs from Adventure in a Box are just brilliant!

See a close up of your fingerprint using a balloon!

Balloon with a fingerprint for a fingerprint experiment for kids

Find out why you get dizzy with this great guest post from Red Ted Art

Learn about your lungs with this fake lung experiment.

Child holding a model of a lung made with a plastic bottle and balloons

Human Body Science for Secondary School

Make a model of an animal cell. An edible version is especially fun!

Jelly Animal Cell Model

Another easy edible experiment is my candy DNA model!

DNA Models - science for kids - candy DNA model

Follow the journey of food through the digestive system with this easy activity using tights!

Digestion Model -poo

These edible neurons from My Mundane and Miraculous Life are just brilliant too!

Find out how you can ‘see sound’ with these easy sound activities.

Link to a scientist

Marie Curie‘s research into radiation led to the discovery of radium which is now used to treat some cancers.

Marie Curie Fact File

Marie M. Daly did groundbreaking research in the relationship between high blood pressure, cholesterol and clogged arteries.

Marie Daly Fact File

Can you think of any more human body science experiments for us?

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