Workbench design help

Workbench design help


My detached 2 car garage is in need of a workbench so I've decided to make it one of my projects for 2020. It'll be a corner setup used primarily as a general purpose working surface with storage as a secondary use, mount a vise, pegboard, etc. I enjoy drawing and meticulous planning so my head exploded when I discovered SketchUp. I'm having a blast toying around with the layout on that program.

The main reason I'm posting this thread is to seek opinions and advice on leg placement. The entire perimeter of my garage floor has a 4" cinder block "trim" that's causing some design challenges (see images for visual). I'm of the opinion that I have 3 main options:
1)All legs contacting the floor and top with 4" overhang on backside to cover the gap.
2)Front legs on floor, back legs 4" shorter but on top of cinder block trim and flat against wall.
3)Front legs only, using runners secured into studs for back support.

Has anyone seen/had a similar cinder block trim jutting out from the wall that they had to work around? Suggestions on the best option or other options I'm not thinking of? I'm also open to any other workbench related feedback or suggestions you may have.

Thanks for taking the time to look!

Attached Images
File Type: jpg Legs on Floor.jpg (20.5 KB)
File Type: jpg Legs Staggered.jpg (20.2 KB)
File Type: jpg Wall mount.jpg (20.5 KB)
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